Discover our services.

Customer care

Call centre: help desk services (1st and 2nd level) for the management of problems related to the utilization of products

Hot Line / Technical Support

Online check of the repair status: real-time information on the repair status


Product Customization


Order management


Clients’ management through a network of service centres throughout Italy

Collection / Shipment from/to

Service Centres, Dealers,

Business Clients, Operators

Reverse logistics

DOA/DAP management
(collection, sorting, collection, check, repair, restoring…)

Stock management and distribution of finished products
(small and medium-sized stock)


“Track & Trace” application


Complete repair processes and product refurbishment, at all levels, on consumer electronics and telecommunication products

Hardware e software update

(before having checked the defected product according to contractual agreements)

Advanced Swap

Spare parts management

EOL management

Advanced recycling processes